
The Paranoid Professor’s Delivery

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Amidst a quaint village on the outskirts of the realm, a peculiar figure known as Professor Evergreen resides. Renowned for his unconventional beliefs in bizarre conspiracies, the eccentric scholar has attracted the attention of the townsfolk and adventurers alike. Recently, a mysterious package has arrived, addressed to the professor. However, rumors circulate that he vehemently refuses to accept it, resorting to outlandish measures to avoid signing for the delivery. Eager to unlock the secrets veiled within the package, brave souls embark on a quest to persuade the conspiracy-obsessed professor and delve into a world of enigmas, where even the most bizarre theories may hold traces of truth.

Quest Type: Deliver, Puzzle, Roleplay

Encounter CR: 3

Playing time: 30 minutes

The party receives a quest to deliver a mysterious package to Professor Evergreen, an eccentric conspiracy theorist. However, the professor refuses to sign for the package, setting the adventurers on a mission to convince him. Engage in intellectual debates, navigate wild theories, and handle the professor’s paranoia to unlock the secrets hidden within the enigmatic parcel.

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Running this Quest

You can adjust any of the information below according to your campaign, preference, or imagination. Feel free to experiment and let other visitors know what works for you in the comments below.

As the party wanders through a picturesque village, they come across a worried figure trying to wave them down. Cedric Redbrook, the village’s dedicated mailman, approaches with an air of urgency. “Greetings, brave adventurers! I am Cedric Redbrook, the village’s trusted mail carrier,” Cedric says, his voice tinged with concern. 

He proceeds to share his perplexing predicament involving Professor Magnus Evergreen, a respected scholar residing in a secluded cottage on the village outskirts. Once open to receiving deliveries, Professor Evergreen has become deeply immersed in conspiracy theories, leading him to distrust official packages and signatures. As a result, he adamantly refuses to sign for the crucial government-sanctioned delivery Cedric is tasked with. 

“If I can’t get Professor Evergreen to accept this package, my career and the village’s essential mail services are in jeopardy,” Cedric laments, emphasizing the significance of his delivery duties. Holding up the package with a worried expression, Cedric emphasizes its importance. “Now, I know dealing with Professor Evergreen may require delicate tact and diplomacy, but I trust in your skills as esteemed adventurers. Please, find a way to convince him to accept this package, and I shall be forever grateful for your assistance!” The quest to obtain Professor Evergreen’s elusive signature commences, and the fate of Cedric’s vital career lies in the hands of the adventurers.

Enchanted Note and Consequences of Tampering:

As the party examines the package, they notice an intricately crafted note attached to it, bearing the recipient’s name—Professor Magnus Evergreen. Upon closer inspection, they discover that the note itself is enchanted with a powerful ward of protection to prevent tampering and unauthorized access.

The Enchanted Note:

“To the esteemed Professor Magnus Evergreen,

This package carries vital research materials that must reach your hands with utmost secrecy. Enclosed within are the findings of our latest expedition to the mysterious Isle of Enigma. I trust that you will handle this information with great care and discretion. May the enchantments on this note protect it from prying eyes and unauthorized access. With anticipation and utmost trust,

Professor Amelia Whistler Arcane Expedition Society”

Punishment for Tampering:

Should the party decide to tamper with or attempt to open the enchanted note without Professor Evergreen’s consent, the magical ward guarding the letter activates. As the note senses the unauthorized intrusion, it glows with a bright, pulsating light and emits a powerful sonic pulse that echoes throughout the vicinity.

  • Temporary Deafness: Anyone who tampered with the note or was in close proximity to it during the activation is temporarily deafened for a duration of 1d4 hours due to the overwhelming sonic disturbance.
  • Curse of Concealment: Additionally, the party members who tampered with the note suffer a curse of concealment. For the next 24 hours, their faces and identities become mysteriously obscured, making it difficult for others to recognize or remember them accurately. They have disadvantage on Charisma-based checks involving persuasion, deception, or intimidation during this time.


Gathering Information

The party can start by gathering information about Professor Evergreen. They can talk to villagers, local scholars, or anyone who might have had previous interactions with him. This can provide valuable insights into the professor’s current beliefs and behaviors related to conspiracy theories. 


For each NPC they interact with you can share with them one Conspiracy theory the Professor believes in.

  • The Gnomish Moon Landing Hoax: You won’t believe this, but the good ol’ Professor claims that gnomes landed on the moon! Hah! Can you imagine? He says it was all a trick by some illusionists from another plane. Come on, that’s just plain nuts!
  • The Great Potion Fluoridation Conspiracy: So, get this… According to Professor Evergreen, potions are being tampered with by some secret group. He even talks about “potion-fluoride” controlling our minds. I mean, really? Who comes up with this stuff?
  • The Unseen Hand of Halflings: Now here’s a hoot! The professor thinks halflings secretly rule the world. Yeah, those little fellas you see gambling and enjoying life? According to him, they are the puppeteers behind all major events. Ha!
  • The Elven Conspiracy to Hide the Truth: Elves keeping ancient knowledge to themselves? I’m sorry, but that’s just laughable. Evergreen insists they’re hoarding secret texts and manipulating us all. Give me a break!
  • The Shape-Shifting Dragonborn Elite: Oh, this one’s a doozy! The professor believes that powerful Dragonborn are actually shape-shifters! Yep, those noble, imposing figures are just masquerading as dragons to control us all. I can’t even…
  • The Blink Dog Abduction Phenomenon: Now, this one’s really clever. The good old professor says blink dogs teleport travelers to other planes! You know, the same blink dogs we see playing fetch with their masters? He must be kidding!
  • The Bardic Mind Control: Can you believe this guy? He thinks bards have magical mind-control powers! Yep, every time a bard plays a tune, they’re manipulating us like puppets. If only I could control my laughter right now.
  • The Disappearing Taverns: Hold on to your ale, folks! Evergreen claims some inns and taverns just up and vanish, only to reappear somewhere else. He even says some are invisible on maps. I’ll have what he’s having!
  • The Time-Travelling Treasure Hoarders: You won’t believe this one! According to our lovable professor, adventurers from the future are snatching up ancient treasures for their own gain. Time-traveling tomb raiders, anyone?
  • The Unseen Sock Gnomes: Sock gnomes… Yeah, you heard that right. Evergreen says these little tricksters steal our socks while we sleep. It’s like a bedtime story for children!

Note: As the Dungeon Master, you have the creative freedom to replace any of these theories with actual conspiracy theories from your campaign setting or introduce entirely new ones. This customization allows you to seamlessly integrate this side quest into your campaign’s narrative and provide players with hints and clues that tie into your world’s lore and mysteries. Have fun crafting an immersive and engaging experience for your players, and let your imagination run wild!

Into the Professor's Domain

As the party sets out towards Professor Magnus Evergreen’s house, they take the package with them, carefully guarding it against any potential mishaps or tampering. The journey to the outskirts of the village is filled with the sounds of nature, and they pass by curious locals who whisper about the peculiar professor and his outlandish theories.

Upon reaching the clearing where the professor’s cottage stands, they see the vibrant display of lawn ornaments and trinkets that adorn the place, making it hard to miss. As they approach the door, the eccentric contraption that serves as a doorbell rings with a cacophony of spinning gears and chiming bells, announcing their arrival.

The door creaks open, and there stands Professor Evergreen himself, looking just as eccentric as his reputation suggests. His wide smile falters slightly as he eyes the party with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. “Ah, adventurers, is it? What brings you to my humble abode?” he asks, his tone tinged with skepticism.

Role Playing Tips for Professor Magnus Evergreen:
  • Appearance: Professor Magnus Evergreen is a middle-aged human with wild, unkempt hair, graying at the temples. His spectacles perch precariously on the bridge of his nose, giving him a scholarly and endearing look. He often wears mismatched clothing, adorned with various baubles, charms, and trinkets. A faint hint of ink stains can be seen on his fingers, a testament to his countless hours spent poring over ancient tomes.
  • Personality: Professor Evergreen is an eccentric and enthusiastic individual, driven by his unquenchable thirst for knowledge and a fervent passion for unraveling mysteries. He speaks in animated gestures and can often become carried away in his excitement, causing his conversations to take unexpected tangents. Though genial, he can be a bit scatterbrained at times, losing track of conversations and objects as his thoughts wander in multiple directions. Despite his peculiarities, he is good-natured and approachable, always eager to engage in spirited debates about conspiracy theories.
  • Background: Professor Evergreen hails from a long line of scholars and researchers. His family has a legacy of seeking hidden truths, and he is determined to carry on this tradition. A former member of a renowned academic institution, he left the confines of academia to delve into the depths of the unknown, seeking answers beyond the rigid boundaries of conventional knowledge. His fascination with the arcane and mysterious led him to uncover rare tomes, delve into ancient ruins, and interact with enigmatic beings, all in the pursuit of knowledge that others might dismiss as mere fantasies.
  • Conspiracy Theorist’s Mind: Professor Evergreen possesses a keen intellect, and his mind is a labyrinth of conspiracies, enigmas, and alternate explanations for seemingly mundane occurrences. He thrives on challenging conventional wisdom and questioning the world around him. His theories can range from plausible and thought-provoking to whimsical and fantastical. While some of his ideas might be considered outlandish by many, he wholeheartedly believes in them and is ever ready to defend his hypotheses with fervent enthusiasm.
  • Trust Issues: Having spent years unraveling hidden truths and being wary of others’ motivations, Professor Evergreen has developed a sense of distrust towards authority figures and government institutions. This skepticism has made him increasingly cautious about signing documents or receiving official deliveries. To him, signing for a package might be perceived as an implicit acceptance of the sender’s intentions, and he fears being entangled in bureaucratic webs that could hinder his research and investigations.
  • Passion for Crafting: Beyond his passion for theories and exploration, Professor Evergreen possesses a talent for crafting magical items and enchantments. His workshop is a chaotic blend of alchemical apparatus, arcane diagrams, and magical components. The rewards he offers to those who succeed in convincing him to sign for his delivery are often the fruits of his crafting endeavors, imbued with the essence of his own curiosity and knowledge.
Ways to Convince Professor Evergreen to Sign:
  • Appealing to His Curiosity: The party can pique the professor’s insatiable curiosity by subtly hinting at the package’s intriguing contents. They can mention that it might contain rare artifacts or ancient scrolls related to forgotten conspiracies, igniting the flames of his investigative spirit.
  • Playing to His Ego: Complimenting the professor’s expertise in deciphering mysteries and acknowledging his brilliance can stroke his ego. By highlighting that only someone of his intellectual caliber can unlock the secrets within the package, the party can make him feel indispensable.
  • Dropping Hints of a Grand Conspiracy: Carefully suggesting that the package might hold the missing piece to one of his most outlandish conspiracy theories can fuel his belief that powerful forces are trying to keep it away from him. Signing for it could be the key to unraveling the grandest of secrets.
  • Appealing to His Scholarly Duty: Emphasizing the academic responsibility to explore new knowledge and discoveries can motivate Professor Evergreen. Remind him that his pursuit of truth and enlightenment is an integral part of his scholarly duty, and signing for the package is a step towards unraveling new mysteries.
  • Unveiling Secret Codes: Playfully hinting that the package might contain encrypted messages or ancient ciphers can entice the professor’s love for deciphering enigmas. He might be intrigued by the challenge of cracking codes that could lead to mind-boggling revelations.
  • Highlighting Previous Discoveries: Mentioning other packages he’s signed for in the past, which led to fascinating discoveries and confirmed some of his theories, can appeal to his sense of validation and achievement. Reminding him of past successes might sway his decision.
Ways Professor Evergreen Refuses:
  • Government Watchdog Paranoia: Evergreen adamantly refuses anything linked to the government, fearing it’s a plot to silence him. He might claim that the package contains surveillance equipment or tracking devices meant to monitor his every move.
  • Antagonistic Spirit Entities: He insists that malevolent spirits or ancient entities dwell within the package, threatening to unleash chaos upon opening. His fear of a supernatural conspiracy overwhelms any interest in its contents.
  • Alternate Dimension Warnings: The professor rambles about the package being a portal to another dimension, claiming it holds the key to unleashing chaotic beings into their world. Signing for it would endanger everyone in the village, or so he claims.
  • Time-Traveling Messages: He insists that the package contains messages from a future version of himself, warning him not to sign it under any circumstances. He fears altering the timeline with a simple signature.
  • Cosmic Alignment Conundrum: Evergreen passionately believes that signing for the package will disturb a rare cosmic alignment, causing cataclysmic events across the realm. He envisions catastrophic scenarios, from cosmic storms to shifting realities.

The professor’s refusal to sign for the package may seem bizarre and bordering on the absurd, but it’s all part of the comically eccentric persona he embodies. The challenge for the party lies in navigating these wild theories and persuading him to overcome his fantastical fears and eccentricities, securing the coveted signature they seek.

Through the Use of Force:

If the party resorts to violence and tries to force the professor to sign for the package, an unexpected twist unfolds. As they lay their hands on him, the professor’s eyes widen with a mix of fear and anger.

Professor Evergreen: “Enough of this madness! I won’t be forced into anything against my will. My wisdom and knowledge are not tools for your manipulation!”

Suddenly, the professor utters a few arcane words, and the room is engulfed in a brilliant flash of light. When the light fades, the party finds themselves standing outside the burning remains of the professor’s house.

Professor Evergreen (from afar): “You have proven yourselves unworthy of my knowledge and trust! I will not be a pawn in your game. Farewell, and never cross my path again!”

The professor vanishes into the night, leaving the party to contemplate the consequences of their actions. The burning house serves as a stark reminder of the repercussions of using force and violence to achieve their goals.

DM Note: This quest is designed to be a fun and comical roleplay encounter, emphasizing the eccentricities and quirks of Professor Evergreen. Feel free to lean into the absurdity and humor, allowing the party to explore various creative ways to convince the professor to sign for the package. You have the flexibility to stretch or condense this encounter based on the players’ engagement and interactions. Embrace the opportunity to play up the professor’s conspiracy theories with exaggerated passion, making this quest a memorable and light-hearted addition to the campaign. Encourage the players to think outside the box and use their wit and charm to navigate through the professor’s eccentricities. Remember, the goal is not just the outcome but the enjoyable journey leading up to it. Have fun and let the whimsy of the encounter shine!

Conclusion - Party's Success:

After an engaging and laughter-filled exchange of wits, the party manages to skillfully persuade Professor Evergreen to sign for the mysterious package. Their clever arguments, combined with a touch of flattery and a dash of intrigue, win over the eccentric scholar. As he finally places his signature on the delivery note, a sense of accomplishment washes over the party. With a twinkle in his eye, Professor Evergreen gladly accepts the package, his insatiable curiosity eager to unravel the secrets within.

In return for their entertaining and successful efforts, the professor rewards the party with a token of his appreciation -The Conspirator’s Cloak. As they bid him farewell, the party departs from the professor’s abode, chuckling at the memory of their comical encounter with the conspiracy nut. News of their triumph spreads through the town, and they become known as the adventurers who cracked the enigmatic code of Professor Evergreen.

Conclusion - Party's Failure:

With their wit and charm put to the test, the party valiantly attempts to sway the resolute Professor Evergreen. Alas, his unwavering beliefs and idiosyncrasies stand tall, impeding any progress. Chuckling at the sheer absurdity of the situation, they bid farewell to the eccentric scholar.

As they depart from the quaint cottage, a tinge of disappointment clouds their spirits. The package remains unsigned, and they must face the consequences of their valiant yet unsuccessful endeavor. With heavy hearts, they return to Cedric Redbrook, who eagerly awaits news of their quest. Understanding the enigmatic professor’s stance, the anxious mailman comes to terms with the impossible nature of the delivery task.

Conclusion - Party's Failure Through Force:

Braving the aftermath of their hasty actions, the party stands amidst the ruins of the professor’s house. The once-promising chance to get the package signed has slipped through their fingers, leaving them with a sense of regret. Not only have they lost a valuable opportunity, but they must also now face the consequences of antagonizing an enigmatic and powerful individual.

The village, too, may hold them accountable for the destruction caused by their impulsive choices. This sobering moment forces the party to reflect on their decisions and learn a valuable lesson about the significance of diplomacy and the importance of respecting others’ boundaries.

In a world rife with enigmas and intrigue, the encounter stands as a poignant reminder that force is not always the answer. Sometimes, the true path to success lies in tact, empathy, and understanding.



Conspirator's Cloak

Wondrous Item (Cloak), Legendary

Weight 1lb.
Value 2000 GP


The Conspirator’s Cloak is a magnificent and enigmatic garment crafted from ethereal fabric that seems to shift in color and pattern, mimicking the ever-changing nature of conspiracy theories.


Choose Wisely: Once per long rest, as an action, the wearer can channel the cloak’s mysterious power to activate one of the following abilities:

  • Ethereal Concealment: As an action, the wearer can activate the cloak to become ethereal for 1 minute. During this time, they can move through solid objects and other creatures as if they were in difficult terrain. While ethereal, they are immune to all non-magical damage.
  • Seize the Moment: When the wearer is subjected to an effect that allows them to make a saving throw to take only half damage, they can use their reaction to take no damage if they succeed on the saving throw, or half damage if they fail.
  • Whispers of Intrigue: While wearing the cloak, the wearer gains proficiency in the Deception and Persuasion skills if they don’t already have it. Additionally, when they make a Charisma (Deception) or (Persuasion) check, they can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the ability check.
  • Conspiracy Master: Once attuned to the cloak, the wearer gains the ability to roll an additional d20 when making Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Insight) checks. They may choose to use this feature before or after the initial roll, and they must use the result of the second d20.


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