
An Archer’s Game

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A burly, rough looking man carrying a bow approaches the party with a wide smile. He claims to be quite a hero in the area, known for his archery skills. "You seem to have some experience with the bow yourself" he says, as he moves in close and inspects the battle scars on the party's bows. "What say you?" he says loudly while bursting into a wide smile, "Up for a game? Bet you 20GP I'm the better shot."

Quest Type: Race

Encounter CR: 9

Playing time: 45 minutes

The local hero-archer is challenging the party to a shooting match for 20 GP, but will prevent himself from losing with magic and trickery.

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Running this Quest

You can adjust any of the information below according to your campaign, preference or imagination. Feel free to experiment and let other visitors know what works for you in the comments below.

You continue your journey through valleys and villages. At some point the party passes a small archery range. You can see a field full of all kinds of constructions with targets fixed to them. There are three people sitting outside of a small house near the road. One of them waves his hand and gestures to the party. “Hold up, travelers!” He stands up and walks towards you, smiling. It’s a large, burly man, with his black hair tied into a knot. He’s wearing shiny, black leather armor and he has a large bow on his back. “You look like you could take a break!”

The three persons are two men and a half-orc woman. The man that stood up is named Marik Gray. He is somewhat of a local hero, renowned for his skills with a bow. His backstory can be anything, but lets say he’s got trained in the army of a neighbouring nation, fought a war far away, but deserted and fled to this land. As a quirk, he talks of himself in the third person. Feel free to add depth if you like.

He has a big smile across his face, with a piercing look in his eyes. “Come, my friends, let Marik offer you something to relieve your thirst!” he says and points to a small barrel next to where the others are seated. You can see some wooden jugs on a table. The man and woman sitting there gesture you to join them. 

If players take him up on his offer, they are poured a stiff beer while making smalltalk. Drinking it will give them -1 on all Dex ability checks for 1 hour. Drinking more will get them drunk, giving them Disadvantage on all attack rolls and ability checks for 1 hour.

“My name is Marik Gray, Master of the Bow. The heroic stories of my battles travel far and wide in these lands, perhaps you’ve heard of me?” he asks without waiting for an answer. “And you seem to be quite an experienced bunch of adventurers yourselves.” He takes a close look at the bow of one of the party members. “A fine piece of work this is.” he says with a grin that turns into a smile. “I would love to see you shoot it!” He postures up and holds his hands out wide. “Yes, my friends! Let’s have some fun!” He pulls a small pouch from inside his jacket and jingles some coins inside. “I bet you I’m the better shot!” He smiles and points to the shooting range.

Marik is friendly and charismatic, but also pushy and a bit demanding.  For Marik, this isn’t about money as much as it is about pride. He’s even willing to rig the game, to build upon his local reputation.


In fact, the party is being lured into a scam. The targets in the range are rigged in a variety of ways and the two others are in on it. Whenever Marik appears to fall behind in points, his helpers start to use tricks to disrupt the player who is winning. If a trick is used, the target’s AC increases by 5.


  • Mechanical
    There are very well hidden levers and buttons (Investigation DC25 to find) in and around the house and the range. They control mechanical parts inside the targets, such as magnets, air pumps, springs, etc. The helpers will roll Stealth checks with advantage against the party’s average Passive Perception. If they fail the party will hear a click, a hiss or a bump or something. NPC’s will suggest it was them who accidentally made the sound.
  • Magical
    In order to avoid “Detect Magic” spells to uncover the plot, none of the targets or weapons are magically enhanced. However, all three NPC’s can cast spells such as PrestidigitationBane or Bless
    They will roll Stealth checks with advantage against the party’s average Passive Perception. If they fail the party will notice something. NPC’s will suggest they were scratching, waving away a fly or talking to themselves.
  • Distraction
    As a last resort, NPC’s may revert to just distracting the players by making noises or moving about. They may try to get into the players head by starting weird conversations amongst themselves or with players. Any targeted player must pass a Performance check. If they fail the target’s AC increases with 5. This tactic can be used to cover up one of the other two.
Try to actually convince the players that they enter a fair competition. If need be, manipulate your rolls behind the DM screen (just a bit!) to make Marik fall behind. Then make the leading player fail their shots in increasingly unexpected and strange ways. Make the players realise they are being scammed, but time this to be as close to the end of the match as possible.

If the scam is not uncovered, the NPC’s will suggest to play another round, for an increased amount of money. Once the scam gets uncovered, the trio will try to laugh it off with lots of smiles, excuses and offer the party 20 GP for their win. If the party is upset and demands more, they will offer up to 40 GP. They will flee if attacked.

Archery Challenges

“Well now, my friends, let me explain this game. The archery range has three challenges: long range, visabilty and speed. Each challenge has five targets to hit, that increase in difficulty and score 1-5 points respectively. Whoever collects most points wins the game! 20 GP to play, winner takes all. Hahaha! Easy, no? ” he laughs loudly.

Roll initiative to establish a shooting order. Each time the players are tricked the DM rolls a Stealth check against the party’s average Passive Perception. Try to hide these rolls from your players.

Long Range Challenge
These are “straw boss” targets, each about two feet wide, set up in a field at increasing distances.

Target AC Description
This target is 50 ft out and has a magnet inside that can be rotated to attract or repel a metal arrowhead.
This target is 100 ft out and has a pump mechanism that can blow a puff of air across the target to deviate an arrow.
This target is 200 ft out and has a hammering mechanism that can push an arrow back out.
This target is 400 ft out and has a snare like contraption a few feet in front of it, that can catch an arrow out of the sky with a thin wire.
This target is 600 ft out and is actually two straw boss targets on either and of a rotating arm, like a windmill. The rotation can be mechanically slowed down or sped up.

Visibility Challenge
These are metal disk targets, each about a foot wide, that are partially or fully hidden from sight.

Target AC Description
This target is 30 ft out and half covered by a wall. Inside the wall is a mechanism that can muffle the sound of a hit on the metal disk, making it sound like a miss.
This target 50 ft out and rotating like it was dangling from a rope. The rotation can be mechanically slowed down or sped up.
This target is 50 ft out and completely covered behind a wall. The target is fixed to a mechanical arm that can rotate to a different position.
This target is 50ft out and totally covered in a thick mist. It can be rotated sideways and back without anyone seeing it happen.
This target is 15 ft out. You get to wear a 'blindfold' helmet. It holds a mechanism that can let you peek outside, invisible to bystanders.

Speed Challenge

These are clay disk targets, each about 6 inch wide.

Target AC Description
This target is 50 ft out and moving back and forth, horizontally along a wall. The movement can be mechanically slowed down or sped up.
This target is 30 ft out, fully behind a wall. It hangs from a cord that gets pulled up rhythmically, making the disk jump up into view. The timing of the pulling mechanism can be controlled.
This target is shot in the air from behind a wall. The shooting mechanism can fire unbalanced disk that wobble in the air.
This target is 50 ft out and fixed to a mechanical arm that uses large gears to move it in what appears to be unpredictable ways (but can be controlled).
This target is 30 ft out and behind a wall. It moves horizontally in front of a hole in the wall. The timing mechanism can be slowed down or sped up.
Risks and Rewards

The party stands to lose money if they aren’t paying attention. If they uncover the scam, they collect their 20 GP, or even more (up to 223 GP) depending on the choices they make.

Player Options

During the archery challenges, players may decide to investigate the targets. If they succeed a DC25 Investigation check they uncover something small, such as an odd weight or it being stuck to the ground somehow. Succeeding another DC20 will uncover the rig in full.

The party can try to rob the NPC’s, during or after the match. A successful DC20 Stealth check reveals Marik to have 4 black arrowheads and a pouch holding 32 GP. The half-orc woman holds 17 silver and the human male holds 3 GP.

If the party is really pissed they can try to kill the NPC’s. In this case NPC’s will hold ground until half health, at which point they will flee the area in three different directions. If they get chased and caught they fight to the death. 

Once the NPC’s are chased away, the party can ransack the house to find treasure (two pouches holding 8 and 19 GP). Succeeding a DC20 Investigation check reveals a panel that can be moved. Behind it is a small chest holding 160 GP.

Monsters and NPC's

Each of the three NPC’s effectively counts as an archer with these stats:


Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor class 16 (Studded Leather Armor)
Hit points 75 (10D8+30)
Speed 30 ft.

11 (+0)
18 (+4)
16 (+3)
11 (+0)
13 (+1)
10 (+0)

Skills Acrobatics +6, Perception +5
Senses Passive Perception 15
Languages Common
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Archer’s Eye (3/Day). As a bonus action, the archer can add 1d10 to its next attack or damage roll with a longbow or shortbow.


Multiattack. The archer makes two attacks with its longbow.

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) piercing damage.

Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) piercing damage.


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